This January we are donating 20% of our sales to the Be What You Can See Foundation.

“Empowerment. Accessibility. Equity.” is a reflection of the steps our foundation will take to diversify legal education and the legal profession and to level the playing field for all students who can only dream of becoming lawyers.
We must EMPOWER the future generation of BIPOC lawyers. Underrepresented undergraduate students need encouragement, confidence, and guidance in their pre-law years. Next comes ACCESSIBILITY. The financial aspect of applying to and attending law school can be daunting and is a barrier for many. My foundation aims to provide funding and scholarships to close the gap between the dream of being a lawyer to the reality of becoming one! Finally there is EQUITY. Equity is an approach that ensures everyone access to the same opportunity of going to law school; a process that begins by acknowledging the unequal starting place many BIPOC students face and makes a commitment to correct and address the imbalance so that we can move from “diverse” law schools to equitable and inclusive legal institutions.

Founder and CEO, Breqlyne Johnson is a senior at the Pennsylvania State University majoring in Criminology with a focus in legal studies. She is a Mixed Black Woman headed to law school in the fall of 2021 and in her journey to law school she realized how privileged and fortunate she was to be able to afford application fees, entrance exam expenses, and more. Her non-profit was born out of a desire to diversify the legal profession after searching for a law school for herself that was both diverse and inclusive and not being satisfied with the lack of BIPOC students represented in the law student population.
Her passions lie in social justice and civil rights which is what she hopes to pursue professionally after graduating from law school. Her dream legal career is to clerk for a federal judge and one day she hopes to be the first Mixed woman to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States!